Thank You
From foster youth and aged out young people.

You may not remember the kindness you gave to others today, but the recipient will remember for a lifetime.

Thank you for caring for our most vulnerable foster kids and aged out young adults.

My heart is overwhelmed with happiness and and my dreams are becoming a reality thank you so very much for helping me achieve greatness for me and my baby’s I am beyond thankful for the generosity and kindness you’ve gave

Your funds with help me very dearly and help me better become an independent adult. Thank you so so much for your support. Much love!

Hello, thank you so much for purchasing the laptop for me. I appreciate it very much ❤️

I want to sincerely thank you for your generous support in providing me with a tablet. This gift will be incredibly helpful as I continue my studies, allowing me to stay organized, access important resources, and complete assignments more efficiently. It will make a real difference in my academic journey, and I am truly grateful for your kindness and generosity.

Thank you guys so much I appreciate it a lot

You guys saved my Halloween dance! Thank you

Thank you for helping me with driving school. When I am done, it will help me and my daughter be able to get around town much easier now.

Thank you so much for providing a hotel so I have a safe place to sleep. Thank you so much for all that you do.

Thank you for helping me pay for daycare for my children I was really struggling to keep up on daycare and they would of stopped taking my children I appreciate all of the support I have received from heart gallery thanks you again

Thank you so much for donating to me. I always wanted to do cosmetology and I couldn’t get my stuff so thank you so much for helping me start my dream.

Thank-you for the Nikes!! It made my BD very special!!

Thank you for the birthday gift. I really appreciate it. Thank you for what you do to help NM youth.

I am writing this note to thank you! Thank you very much for supporting me! God puts good people on the path, and you are one of them! I want to thank you with all my heart for everything you have done for me. I promise to be the best student! God bless you!

I wanted to thank the heart gallery for the donation! I am beyond thankful for the support during this hard time it will help my daughter and I immensely to keep our home! I was incredibly worried about what I was going to do but with your help it has made me much more at ease! Thank you so so much!

Thank y'all so much for the stuff for my apartment! I really appreciate y'all helping me out to get me started for my new adventure!

Thank you for purchasing a laptop so that I can get my GED!

Dear Heart Gallery

We are tremendously grateful for the generosity of the Heart Gallery toward NM foster kids.  Your incredible support made a week of happy childhood memories and loving moments in the lives of our precious kiddos.  Thank you for joining us.  Your work at the Heart Gallery is inspiring. Thank you for HARD and HOLY work on behalf of the kids who have no voice.  We are with you.

Kind regards,

Royal Family Kids

Thank you for the laptop

Thank you for the tablet the Heart Gallery got for Fabian. He has had nothing of his own since living in this facility and we have done everything to identify things that will make him happy. Since receiving this tablet, he uses it all day every day! He looks up and plays music I didn’t know he liked! He has shown my so many new skills, just because he has the tools to do so now. His quality of life has increased since receiving this tablet and it has been so special for me to be able to watch him learn. This young person is someone who has asked for nothing and has been grateful for everything and I see that this tablet is very special to him. I love walking into the facility and see him with his tablet playing his favorite songs!

Thank you for my laptop, I appreciate it a lot. I am very grateful for this, now I can do all my college work online on my new laptop.

Thank you for the birthday gift.

Hello merry Christmas I just wanna say is thank you so much for the Christmas things they really made Christmas better

I just wanted to say THANK YOU! You're generosity and kindness has made this holiday season brighter for so many of our young people and their families. Some of our young people do not have fond memories of the holidays. For some, it is a hard time of year. Because of your wonderful spirit, you are helping our young people to see this time of year in a different light and find some enjoyment. I truly wish you could have experienced the festive mood and lightness of the event. Thank you is not enough. Just know, you make a difference in ways you will never know.

I want to thank you for what ever gift you got me

Thank you so very much I loved everything you got me I hope you have the best Christmas ever thank you.

Thank you for providing gifts for me aswell as my family and for everything you do! May God bless you each and every day! You are very appreciated

Thank you for all you do. Most of us don't have family members or anyone for the holidays so little acts of kindness like these are the ones that make all the difference. 🙂

Thank you for everything it's such a good Christmas presents

Thank you so much for the gift.

Thank you very much, it is greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas!

Thank you so much for everything! It means so much, I appreciate your kindness!

Thank you for ordering my light for my car. This will help me a lot, being safe and building my car.

Thank you so much for my give I really appreciate it and I’m very grateful

Hi there! I was just wanting to say thank you so much for my gifts this year. I appreciate all the gifts I get❤️. Have a blessed new years and a wonderful Christmas

I thank you for helping me out with the ticket. I don't now how I would have got there if it was not for you all. Thank you and I hope you have a happy holidays.

Thank you for my holiday gift

Thank you so much for helping me with housing this month. It is a huge relief of stress, especially during the holidays

Thank you so much for being able to provide me and my daughter funds so we have a place to live. You don’t know how thankful I am and just want to say from the bottom of my heart o really do appreciate it so much. Now I’m able to have Christmas with my daughter and more

Your generosity has provided some comfort and support throughout the holiday season that cannot be valued enough. Kindly, thank you for your contribution to the underprivileged and underserved youth of New Mexico who deserve not to be deprived of a joyous holiday experience. May you also experience the benefits of altruism and kindness.

Thank you, I really appreciate the help.

Thank you for the support in helping me move into my first apartment. My pup and i will have a safe roof over our heads. I am blessed with the support you offered. thank you

We appreciate you so much. We pray that you/heart gallary get back the blessings 10x more! My daugther loved going through her special gifts. As a parent, heart gallery did take a big part of my life and for you to continue to cherish my daughter and to give/show her all the love. WE thank you as a family.

Thank you so much by helping aid me and my emotional support, it's been a rough journey in my life, and your help has made it a sweeter one. Thank-you

Thank you for helping me pay my phone bill I appreciate these so much!!

I appreciate you for the bike cuz i get to be more indepent and i thank you again .

Thank you to all the people who have contributed to helping me and my new family I have started, we were struggling at the place we were at and really needed to get out, also I do have a baby one the way so this really helped me and my fiance out even if the resourced only pay for my half of the bills I still can save some money to help pay for my fiances half. Thank you so much once again it is greatly appreciated

Thank you so much for everything you did for us at the baby shower! Me and my partner are forever grateful for it, you guys don't understand how much you helped us especially with everything you guys provided for us. We were so worried we weren't going to have everything for the baby but now we have most of everything we need, thanks to you guys. Thank you very much!

Thank you for such an amazing baby shower <3 we learned a lot and had a lot of fun ☺️ your gifts made the kids very happy and I’m very grateful for all you guys do 🖤

Thank you for your donations and your support! This was so special to me and probably the others moms as well. I’m so grateful for the programs and kind heart there are in this world to think about us! Blessings to you and thank you for blessing me and my son 🤍

Dear Heart Gallery. Thank you for helping me get a car and the insurance too. I have been so nervous and anxious about this. I have worked really hard to get my credit up and check several times a day to see my score.This is the first time something positively life changing has actually gone through and I am very greatful for everyone that helped this become reality.Its really been a struggle for the past few years to survive and make it and my life has recently been getting back on track

I want to thank you for helping me with my deposit it really means alot to me and also my storage as well cause if it wasn’t for you I would have to jump through hoops trying to figure out my life when I just finally got one step by finding a apartment after trying for 3 months… so I just want to appreciate you !!

Hello, I wanted to thank everybody to help me get my glasses so I can finally See everything at my job and at my house and I am very thankful that you guys help me To get my glasses, so thank you and many blessings to you

I wanted to say thank y’all so much for the donations for my rent for my and my baby Joseph things been so hard lately for us I cried when my worker told me we got donations for my rent bc things been so stressful this past year with my sister passing and not having rent because I paid for her funeral with my money we really do appreciate this I honestly thought we were going to have to give up this place and start all over again thank you thank you so much god bless yalll

Thank you for the birthday gift.

Thank you so very much for helping me reunite with my dog.

Thank you for the hotel stay it has really helped me, while I work with my team to find housing so Thank you again

Thank you so much for your help. It is very much appreciated and will always be remembered!

I wanted to reach out and give you a huge thank you for the tablet the Heart Gallery got for Fabian. He has had nothing of his own since living in this facility and we have done everything to identify things that will make him happy. Since receiving this tablet, he uses it all day every day! He looks up and plays music I didn’t know he liked! He has shown my so many new skills, just because he has the tools to do so now. His quality of life has increased since receiving this tablet and it has been so special for me to be able to watch him learn. This young person is someone who has asked for nothing and has been grateful for everything and I see that this tablet is very special to him.

 I couldn’t be more grateful for the work you and your team do!

A CYFD caseworker

I would like to sincerely thank you for your help with paying my rent. I had to flee my previous home due to domestics. I was unable to afford this month’s rent and was in the process of being evicted. I was beyond stressed and worried about what I would do with an eviction on my record. I have a two-year-old daughter that I have full time with me. Now with your generosity I will not have an eviction on my record and will be able to find a good home for my daughter to grow up in and be stable and happy!

Thank you so much for saving my little family from facing hardship! May god bless you and grace you with amazing karma!

Thank you so much for the donation!  The laptop that you graciously gifted me with will help me with school and stability.  With your help I am now able to continue school and create a more stable environment for my daughter.

I am a mother of two beautiful little girls. On July 11th I lost my youngest daughter. She wasn’t even a year old when we lost her. Her birthday is August 20th, 2022.  She didn’t make it to her first birthday.  We celebrate her every day, we live like she is still with us but in our hears we know she’s gone. I’m no longer able to give her hugs and kiss her or even be blessed with her beautiful smile.  With your gracious donation I plan on continuing school while at home so I can take advantage of the time I have with my oldest daughter Aniyah ( 2yrs old) She’s my world, my pride and joy. To me she is the definition of life. Giving birth to her was the moment I truly understood the meaning of “True Love”.

Just know that your donation means more than anything and you are helping someone that does not like to reach out for help.  I hope you are doing well and continue to do what you do.  I’m going to school for Criminal Justice and Law.  I have taken on an occupation that does something similar. Since I grew up in CYFD I have wanted a career that was fulfilling and in a sense giving back to the community that helped me and continues to help me.

Thank you again,

To whomever this letter may concern,
I really appreciate the help you provided us with, my son and I are now able to move into the new apartment with our first month's rent paid. Thank you again for your help and all that you do for others.

Thank You for your Christmas Gift, It was the cherry on top to my holiday and year (:

Best Wishes

Thank you to the donors that helped purchase my part for my vehicle. I greatly do appreciate it because this vehicle is really important to me to get to and from places. Also, getting me to school that could potentially help me with my career in the near future. Once again I deeply appreciate helping me with purchasing this very expensive part.

Thank y’all very much I really appreciate it so much !

Thank you for believing in me and helping me restart my life.

Thank you so much for the bed frame I appreciate y’all so much🫶

Thank you so much for my makeup pallet! You helped make my day! Happy 21 to me :)

Thank you all so much for helping me to get my furniture delivered to me from Albuquerque to Santa Fe for my new apartment. I appreciate it! I am grateful! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your year!

Thank you for the gift card to buy some groceries and help me get through this month. I really appreciate it.

Thank you for the mountain bike. This will help me get to school and the gym until I can get my license. I love it.

Thank you PNM for our tickets Wednesday. Such a beautiful day for a mental health outing :)

A CYFD caseworker

What a great evening spent watching the Topes games from the suite last week! Many thanks for a stress-relieving perk from our work together.

A CYFD caseworker

Thank you for the Isotope tickets. It was a real treat watching our favorite team from the PNM suite.

A CYFD caseworker

A heartfelt thank you for your considerate opportunity to attend and enjoy an Isotopes game. It was a wonderful way to start a long holiday weekend with colleagues. Again, thank you!

A CYFD caseworker

It was such a perfect night. Few opportunities come along where we can comingle with our friends and Family and Co Workers. This evening was just that and quite wonderful.

A CYFD caseworker

Hello everyone at the Heart Gallery! I am writing to let you know how much of a difference your acts of kindness make. I truly wish you could see it. When our young people place requests, most of the time it is due to a barrier they have encountered. They are usually unsure of what to do or where to go. Sometimes it is at a low point in their life. When their Heart Gallery request is approved, there is a visual change in them. Some get emotional, some have a change in demeanor and some break out into smiles. Most of the time they ask me who did this and why. My response is it is someone who cares and has faith in you. After that they hold their head a little higher and work harder with me to resolve whatever is going on. For those who receive birthday gifts, they revert back to a younger age. Their eyes widen and they get excited. Sometimes this is the only gift they receive or have ever received. Most of our young people do not "like" their birthdays. Their birthday to them is just another day. But in that moment they receive the gift, they feel like they matter and someone cares. I wanted to share this so you know that even though you are not physically here, your impact is great. Thank you for all the different ways you have supported our young people. It has made all the difference in the world.

A CYFD caseworker

Thank you so much for your help. This is very much appreciated and I plan to put it to use for my future and other important projects.

Thank you for this contribution to help me with my monthly expenses! It will help me a lot, and I greatly appreciate it!

Thank you for gifting me with a microwave I appreciate it!

Thank you for helping me with my rent payments and eviction notice. I really needed the help and appreciate it.

Thank you not only to the donors that helped me today but to every donor that has helped me in the past as well i have been apart of luvya and the heart gallery since I was 15 years old I am now 23 and yall ahve truly changed my life from all the chirstmas party's to helping with the stuff I needed when i found out i was pregnant with my son i am so very greatful for everyone

Thank you for the gift. I really appreciate it and I will add it to my collection of James Patterson books.

I received my skateboard a few days ago and was pleasantly surprised! I used to skateboard back in middle school, so now I’m relearning everything. Thank you!

Thank you so much for spending time giving to those who don't have much. I really appreciate it and I love the gift. Merry Christmas Secret Santa

I would like to thank for all you have done for me and I always will.

Thank you for a good Christmas this year and a good Christmas party and gifts I appreciate it so much and I’m very thankful for what I got thank you for this year for making Christmas amazing.

Thank you for remembering me on Christmas. It means a lot.

Thank you very much for the canned air. I was allowed to bring into the group home. My mom will help me to clean my computer.

Wow, just what I wanted. Thank you.

I was so stressed out and the gifts you gave for me and my children were wonderful. Thank you so very much.

Thank you every year for showing that you care and looking out for those who can’t be looked out for by family & friends .

I wanted to say thank you for whoever got me and my gift and Made my Christmas a little bit better I’m really grateful that we have people out there like you merry Christmas and a happy new year!!

Hello, I wanted to thank you for my gifts. I’ve been having a hard time lately and it brought me joy knowing there are amazing people like you. I appreciate it. Thanks again and Merry Christmas.

Thank you so very much for bringing Christmas to us at luvya for the last few years we appreciate you for it!!

Thank you all so much for contributing so much to our youth who typically receive very little around this time of year. You make workers jobs easier and truly do empower young people to thrive. It’s not easy but you guys get it done with incredible grace. Thank you!!

Thank you mr sandy Clause, no sure if you know where’s that from but thank you sandy clause I really appreciate it , it helped me out this year made me feel like I was appreciated

Thank you so much for my tablet gift. I was dying to be able to read lots and lots of books online. I didn't have anything to really read from or borrow books electronically from the library so this helps thank you!

Thank you for my gift. I really like getting a present every year from the heart gallery because I would not get a present without them.

I would like to say thank you for buying gifts for me this year I really appreciate you for being so nice. I really love what I got. Thank you heart gallery your the best!

Thank you Heart Gallery.

I want to that whomever was involved in gifting me the things I wished for in preparation for the baby I will have in the next few months. There are so many things that are so expensive in preparation for my first child and any help in getting these things is much appreciated. It has been more obviously difficult having aged out of CYFD with no family(as many mothers depend on their family to help) and in preparation for my baby. I am so grateful for the items I received and the care that was taken in this. Thank you, and I hope you have a very wonderful holiday,

Thank you so much you got me more than anybody got me in my whole life. None of my family got me anything. I appreciate you. It doesn't matter they you didn't get me a s7 or a iPhone 8 you've helped me more than anybody else. I don't really have anyone. I wish I had parents I thank you for everything you have done for me... I wish I had more people like you in my life thanks again.

Thank you so much for being the parents I never had

Hello and merry Christmas , thank you very much for giving me and my daughter a Christmas gift . I am very thankful for all the gifts you have given , I appreciate the love anf support you have shown all of the youth these past few years , even through COVID. May god bless you with many good blessings this year and give you and your family a merry Christmas and happy new years


Thank you so very much for the Christmas gifts I was sent. I am entirely grateful and appreciative!

Thank you for the speaker and the book series I'm really enjoying them the speaker works really well and I've already started on the series and can't wait to finish it your donations are extremely appreciated

Me and my son would like to thank the family that got us our gifts it was really appreciated and I’m sure we are gonna enjoy them thankyou!

Thank you for the gifts I received! I got everything I wanted thanks to you all!

Thank you so much team I appreciate everything you have done for me I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas

Thank you so much for the gift. Not enough words to express how appreciative I am for this program to be available for us. Some of us don't have family, so this is the only thing that helps not feel so lonely during the holidays.


Dear Secret Santa,
Thank you so much for the gifts! My wife and I just had our baby a month ago and really needed the stroller and diapers. The work boots are really a blessing to me also. These gifts will take us into the new year with what we need. Again, thank you so much, my family appreciates you!


Thank you for the thoughtful gifts! I really appreciate everyone who spent their time and money to buy each one of the gifts. Thank you,
-Abby M

Thank you so much for these gifts, these gifts made me very happy, I really like my phone case, thank you for being so kind and generous, little things go a long way, thanks again!

Thank you guys n girls for all the greatness you brought to my holiday month. I appreciate every gift that was given completely , it is definitely going to be going to be growing with goodness as I move into 2023 so I’m Thankful for that very much so, I hope everyone has a blessed rest of year and in forward with so, A wonderful new year.
J.P all love

From a NM Children Youth and Families case worker:

I want to just thank you and your incredible team so much for everything that you have done for our youth, for the holiday party, the holiday gifts, and for caring so much! I had the opportunity to take some more gifts to the youth who couldn’t attend the holiday party and the way their face lit up was incredible! I felt so touched and so honored that I was able to deliver the gift and watch the reaction, but I realize that your incredible crew went through so much to make sure that every gift felt personal and fulfilled their needs/ wants but didn’t get the chance to watch the best part of it all!

So I just can’t thank you enough for allowing us Fostering Connections Specialists to be a part of this amazing gift giving event, even if it is just to deliver them. Seriously, all of my youth have been ecstatic about their gifts and I am making sure to tell them how great the Heart Gallery is!